Wednesday, May 11, 2011

some thoughts

Have you ever looked at a person on the street and just thought about them doing private things at home...? Like cooking dinner or sleeping. It makes you see them in a totally different way. You can try it if you want, but I advise not telling anyone that you are imagining that old man on 6th Street pooping. People might think you are weird. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

What am I doing sitting on my computer? 
What am I doing in my house all day bored to death in the beginning of summer?
Stop talking and start doing, you dummy. 
There are people out there who need money, clothes, food, friendship, love.
I am caught up in the luxury of middle-class life. Shame on me.

1 Peter 4:10-11
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The purpose of C.S.I.

I was totes watching C.S.I. Las Vegas with my mom tonight. The episode was about a lady who had a hoarding problem. She, of course, had about a bazillion dead bodies in her house, but that's not the point. At the end of the episode, Ray Langston... or should I say excellent writers of C.S.I., gave the most excellent speech about our society and our desire to be possessive. I copied it down below!!

"The philosopher Erich Fromm, he forecast a society that was obsessed with possessions. He believed that human beings had two basic orientations: "having" and "being". Now, a person with a "having" orientation seeks to acquire and possess things, property, even people... But a person with a "being" orientation focuses on the experience. They derive meaning from exchanging, engaging, and sharing with other people. 
Unfortunately, Fromm also predicted that a culture driven by commercialism, like the one we live in today, is doomed to the "having" orientation, which leads to dissatisfaction and emptiness. When you consider that in 1960 there was no such thing as public storage in America. Today, there is over 2 billion square feet dedicated to it. Makes you think you got a point."

It's kind of frustrating that we focus on materialistic things. Our society is based on "stuff". We need the nicest clothes and the biggest houses. We'll never be satisfied. There will always be something missing. So does it matter? I mean... will we have these "things" in 40 years? Will they matter to us then? What do we focus on now? What do we make out idols?
Something to think about.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I love this. I want to talk about important things: feelings, thoughts, ideas.  
I want God moving through my bloodstream. 
I want everything revolving around Him... Not necessarily in an obvious, flamboyant, and sometimes offensive way, but in a way that encourages others. Almost secretly.

Monday, April 18, 2011


I like respect. A lot. 
If you live with me and you notice that I'm sleeping or listening to music or doing homework... Maybe it would be polite and understanding if you DIDN'T turn the tv on to a basketball game and turn up the volume as loud as possible. I mean... Maybe that isn't the polite thing after all... Oh wait, hmmm, yeah, I think it is. 

This is my rant. Peace.

Levels of Light

I have recently discovered the joy in lyrics. I've always listened to music purely for the sound, but while looking for an AWESOME name for mah new BLOG, I thought it would be cool to use a lyric. I went straight for Sleeping at Last, mostly because their music is so chill and pretty and I realized THEY HAVE THE BEST LYRICS EVER. 

Omg. Please listen to Levels of Light by Sleeping at Last. 
What's really cool about them is that they are a Christian band that aren't super obvious about it. I dig it. 

We are volcanoes, making new land,
Transcending borders with seeds in our hands.
Natural killers perfectly planned,
But all is entirely out of our hands.
It’s out of our mouths and into the ground.

We are surrounded by color and life
And we don’t even know it.

Death is the only thing that makes us alive,
Forcing focus on light that we hold inside.

Wake up, wake up.
I think the worst is through…
The light that we hold must be buried -
Buried to bloom.

It's beautiful! We need to spread God's word! We need to transcend borders and plant seeds of wisdom! I can't describe how amazed and crazy happy I am! It's like... We have the most amazing news that we need to spread. We have the freaking key to Heaven! I notice that I go through spurts forgetting this. Sometimes I spend so much time and energy focusing on my relationships with others and I forget to please and honor my God. Always go back to Psalm 46:10. "Be still and know that I am God." --Yes, sir!!!